Alberto Alvarez
2021.10.21-2021.10.25|Art Taipei
/in Art Fairs, Exhibition, Past /by infoFor ART Taipei 2021, Hann Art Agency will curate the space around three independent themes to deliver an exciting visual experience to our clients.
/in Essay, Essay and Press, essay-and-press-Cen Long, Press /by info非池中訪問到這位低調的年輕收藏者—吳世敦,近來因鍾情的藝術家—岑龍—登上雜誌封面而浮上檯面。在這個熱鬧異常的時代裡,他的收藏軌跡堅定到令人訝異,如此獨樹一幟的眼光,背後究竟有什麼考量,讓我們來深入挖掘這位年輕企業家的收藏心法。
/in Essay, Essay and Press, essay-and-press-Cen Long /by info同樣出生於10月15日的卡爾維諾與岑龍,其看不見的城市和看不見的通道,皆讓我們體會到跳躍現實藩籬的美妙。傑作,絕不會因歲月消弭而逝去,其挑動靈魂的力量只會隨著越來越現代化的世界而越發強韌。
涵藝術以「三個主題式策展」探討美學感知上的永恆的靈光【2021 ART TAIPEI 專題】台北國際藝術博覽會
/in Essay and Press, essay-and-press-Alberto, essay-and-press-Cen Long, essay-and-press-Chiu Dou, essay-and-press-Tibor, essay-and-press-Yasuko Hayashi, Press /by infoFor ART Taipei 2021, Hann Art Agency will curate the space around three independent themes to deliver an exciting visual experience to our clients.
/in Essay and Press, essay-and-press-Cen Long, Press /by info在台灣的藝術產業中,專業的經紀人屈指可數,過去非池中曾採訪過涵藝術的執行長—林暄涵小姐,深入瞭解了她如何成為一個專業的藝術經紀人。今年,涵藝術以更高的規格入選Art Taipei 2021,我們提前專訪到人在紐約的林暄涵小姐(Metra Lin),來談談她在藝術經紀這個領域,所瞻望的未來,是什麼樣的風景?
2021.09.25-10.16 |The Days of Wind-Selected Works of Cen Long
/in Archive, Exhibition, Gallery /by infoExpressions of courage are often explored in Cen’s works.
Plato’s dialogues quantify courage as a spiritual persistence and is seen as a virtue.
I believe that this point of view is of the same nature as Cen’s perception of courage.