Alberto Alvarez
/in Essay and Press, essay-and-press-Cen Long, Press /by k.lin做為藝術市場上的一環,一級市場(畫廊、經紀公司)對藝術家的推廣與打底,起了相當重要的作用。在過去幾次的浪潮中,二級市場(拍賣公司)激情的高價,難免成為眾人目光的焦點,但在時代的淘洗下,有多少藝術家的作品還能站穩腳步,成為藏家心中的珍寶。
2020.10.22-10.26|Art Taipei 2020|Cen Long
/in Art Fairs, Exhibition, Past /by qwasz123308qwasz123308Over the past few years, this new direction is more and more apparent. He uses less colors and focuses on the subtleties of the multifarious shades each color hides within itself, employs less redundant and straightforward brushstrokes, and invents creative and flexible compositional structures. Cen hopes to establish an artistic language that neither excludes nor panders to specific demographics, employing universal themes and timeless images which he hopes may bring feelings of hope, love, and positivity of life to all his audiences.
/in Essay, Essay and Press, essay-and-press-Cen Long /by k.lin托爾斯泰終其一生寫作,努力傳播他的人文主義思想以及盡力接近真實生活的理念。岑龍的創作與他有著異曲同工的意味。
2020.10.06-10.16|Daily Chores Chiu Dou & Safina Ksenia Duo Exhibition
/in Archive, Exhibition, Gallery /by qwasz123308qwasz123308從卡繆的存在主義看岑龍的繪畫哲學
/in Essay, Essay and Press, essay-and-press-Cen Long /by k.lin遭遇困境時,除了自殺外別無選擇,為了生存不選擇自殺,正面而積極的活下去是唯一對抗荒謬生命的良藥,這就是卡繆的存在主義,也是岑龍試圖透過他的藝術所要表達的理由。
2020.8.21-8.24|Super Leisure Lifestyle Show|Cen Long
/in Art Fairs, Exhibition, Past /by qwasz123308qwasz123308Solo Exhibition of Cen Long’s selected works.