Francesca Dell’Orto

2021.10.21-2021.10.25|Art Taipei

For ART Taipei 2021, Hann Art Agency will curate the space around three independent themes to deliver an exciting visual experience to our clients.





涵藝術以「三個主題式策展」探討美學感知上的永恆的靈光【2021 ART TAIPEI 專題】台北國際藝術博覽會

For ART Taipei 2021, Hann Art Agency will curate the space around three independent themes to deliver an exciting visual experience to our clients.


在台灣的藝術產業中,專業的經紀人屈指可數,過去非池中曾採訪過涵藝術的執行長—林暄涵小姐,深入瞭解了她如何成為一個專業的藝術經紀人。今年,涵藝術以更高的規格入選Art Taipei 2021,我們提前專訪到人在紐約的林暄涵小姐(Metra Lin),來談談她在藝術經紀這個領域,所瞻望的未來,是什麼樣的風景?

2021.09.25-10.16 |The Days of Wind-Selected Works of Cen Long

Expressions of courage are often explored in Cen’s works.
Plato’s dialogues quantify courage as a spiritual persistence and is seen as a virtue.
I believe that this point of view is of the same nature as Cen’s perception of courage.