Alberto Alvarez


成立於2009年12月的涵藝術,懷抱著高規格高品味的藝術熱忱,在過去這十年來積極參與海內外的藝術博覽會,並盡力策辦了多檔精緻的展覧,建立了很好的口碑。林暄涵(Metra Lin)與團隊將「純藝術推廣」以及「藝術品入門收藏」作為經營的兩大主軸,為藝術家及藝術愛好者們,提供一個可被期望的優質平台。

2020.02.11-02.29 |Beneath the Stars-Cen Long Solo Exhibition

Beneath the expansive firmament, hope and belief will always fuel humanity in times of need and hardship. For as long as life is, there is a future for all. We present Cen Long’s newest work,Beneath the Stars,in this exhibition, and we hope to have the honor of inviting you to our show!

2019.11.22-12.21|Li Hou Solo Exhibition

Li Hou’s work is a study in semiotics. His ink paintings are composed according to contemporary style. He dithers his lines and carefully stages ink splatters to give them a feeling of spontaneity; these pseudo-random patterns build up a complex texture for the paintings. It simultaneously expresses cheerfulness and rationality, vitality and deliberation.


藝術的推廣與分享,有著非常多樣的定位及模式。與經紀人的相互支援,對於藝術家的發展也有著關鍵性的影響。十年來低調卻持續發展的涵藝術Hann Art Agency Co.,由總監林暄涵帶領團隊,正走在一條有別於傳統畫廊的旅程上。