Yasuko Hayashi
涵藝術以「三個主題式策展」探討美學感知上的永恆的靈光【2021 ART TAIPEI 專題】台北國際藝術博覽會
/in Essay and Press, essay-and-press-Alberto, essay-and-press-Cen Long, essay-and-press-Chiu Dou, essay-and-press-Tibor, essay-and-press-Yasuko Hayashi, Press /by infoFor ART Taipei 2021, Hann Art Agency will curate the space around three independent themes to deliver an exciting visual experience to our clients.
/in Essay and Press, essay-and-press-Yasuko Hayashi, Press /by info藝術的推廣與分享,有著非常多樣的定位及模式。與經紀人的相互支援,對於藝術家的發展也有著關鍵性的影響。十年來低調卻持續發展的涵藝術Hann Art Agency Co.,由總監林暄涵帶領團隊,正走在一條有別於傳統畫廊的旅程上。