Entries by k.lin

2022.3.10-2022.4.7|Invisible Passages-A Connection Between That Which Is and That Which Has Always Been

The persisting quest for the truth, the beautiful, and the good appear especially invaluable given the ceaseless changes occurring in the world. Artist Cen Long has dedicated decades to the excavation of life’s meanings and values. As a follower of light, he brings to life the struggles of those against daily toils and anxieties with honest and emotive pictures, and by doing so, reflects and reconstructs the realities that exist in this vast world.

Art Collection Whirlwind, Highlights of 2021 Art Taichung

參與本屆ART TAICHUNG畫廊為74間畫廊,擁有77個展間,作品從平面繪畫到雕塑,共400位藝術家超過2500件作品參展,價格區間落在3萬至50萬區間,預估將有超過7成的年輕藏家參與並藏購藝術品,而ARTouch編輯部也針對展會不同樓層的亮點展間進行分享及推薦。

ART TAIPEI 2021 Sales Statistics: Younger Collectors Become Main Consumer Force, Several Galleries Generate Sales Exceeding Ten Million in NTD

ART TAIPEI展會期間,現場自VIP首日就湧入大量參觀人潮,而今年參展的大多數畫廊也創下歷史最佳銷售成績。以下為《典藏ARTouch》在現場所統計的部分畫廊銷售情況。

ART TAIPEI 2021凝聚臺灣藝術實力,預展首日第一手畫廊直擊

第28屆台北國際藝術博覽會(ART TAIPEI 2021)於2021年10月22日起,在台北世界貿易中心一館展開連續5天的藝術盛會。在如今趨緩的珍貴時機點開幕的ART TAIPEI 2021,由本刊編輯部精選重點畫廊內容第一手直擊。